Lajos Szakolczay: Ernő Salamon's Poetry

Ernő Salamon, Transylvanian poet of the interwar period was chased to death by the reigning power. Such a tragedy. The one who survived so many trials, like the early death of his parents, hunger, the overcrowded colonies, prison and being an outcast, but still considered his own fate a beautiful one, was shot to death by a fascist bullet in the Ucrainean Mihailovka Stari while almost going mad with pain during the typhoid fever.

His poetry, much appreciated by Gábor Gaál, well-known editor of the Korunk review in Cluj was enriched by several sources. Never rejecting the Hungarian lyrical tradition, he focused more on the local color. The Gheorgheni woodworkers’ fight for freedom included the universal cry of the poor. Never denying his leftist views, the poet gave voice either to the musicality of popular poetry, or condemned shameful and impudent voices, but most of all sang of the much desired peace.


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Gyergyóremete Község Önkormányzata

Gyergyóújfalu Község Önkormányzata